Pentecost Celebration at Home

The Celebration at Church: Annually on Pentecost Sunday, the children celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit as read in Acts 2:1-4.  The children hear Isaiah 11:2-3a, where the Spirit-gifts of the coming Messiah are listed.  They light seven red candles, as we name with Isaiah the seven gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel, strength, knowledge, the fear of the Lord (awe), and delight in the Lord.  The children then identify the gift they most wanted to receive and light their candle from that flame.

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The Celebration at Home: This Pentecost set (above) was sent home last Pentecost for use in your home. Gather together, light the candle, set out the cards and read Acts 2:1-4 to remember the giving of the Holy Spirit. Then read Isaiah 11: 2-3a to name some of the gifts the Spirit gives to God’s people.  The red bookmark is for marking these passages in your Bible - if appropriate take turns reading the passages. You may need to give very brief definitions of each gift or ask your children to propose what they mean.  Ask your child which gift (or several!) they choose to ask God for that day. You too can articulate a choice.  Close together by asking God for those gifts specifically and praying the words of Jesus from John 16:24:  “Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete.  Amen”