Books of the Bible: History Books (extended video)
Below is the extended video from this Sunday’s Children’s Talk. The video includes time to do some work together on a Holy Bible handbook (see August 8 post). This will be a sustained work over the course of 3-4 Sundays.
For this Sunday, the children will be making their own library template of the History Books to add to their Holy Bible handbook. They will need a pencil, a red and green pencil/crayon, 2 sheets of paper and a pair of scissors. You and your child have a few choices on how to do this work depending on their age/development.
Older child- free hand draw or trace the blank template below and fill in the books of the bible.
Ages inbetween-print blank template and have child write the books of the bible in template
Younger child- simply print the completed template (with writing) and cut and trim printout to place in Holy Bible handbook
History Books librayr template (blank)
History Books library template (complete with writing)
King David and God. - art to contemplate or print for Holy Bible handbook. 1 and 2 Samuel & 1 and 2 Chronicles are a few of the History books that tell stories of King David.
From the Book of Esther: Queen Esther saves her people- art to contemplate or print for handbook.