Easter Season Scripture Work (for grade 2-5)
In the 40 days after Jesus’ resurrection (and before his ascension) the Bible gives many accounts of people Jesus visited with. During the Easter season, those narratives can be our home, the place we hang out with God and listen to him in his Word. They are amazing, mysterious accounts!
During the next few weeks, we invite you to read those stories (or read them with someone else). Maybe you’ve made a prayer table and can choose times to go to your prayer table and read the Bible. Here is a Scripture chart that shows you where each story is. Practice looking them up on your own if you can:
Print out the chart or make a copy in your own handwriting. As you read each story, mark it off on your chart
Now you need a Scripture book (see https://littletrinitychildren.org/childrensministryblog/making-a-scripture-book ) - if you’ve started one - or a notebook. After you read each account, I want you to think about two questions. Here are the questions:
1. What did I notice about Jesus or God in this story?
2. Is there anything strange or unusual or new or surprising in this story?
Write down your thoughts in your notebook. Or draw the story or choose certain words that stand out to you and write or draw those words in your Scripture book or notebook. Share with your family!