Sunday Ministry Overview
Over the last 5 years, an adapted Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) curricula has grown to be the foundational curricula for the whole of the Children’s Ministry. CGS has allowed us to create a space for the children where the gospel love of God, beauty and joy co-exist in a nurturing environment that is shaped to the child’s developmental needs. Three different spaces (PreK; K-gr.1; gr.2-5) have been created as a set apart place - unlike the ‘day to day’ - to encounter God. Each Sunday, leaders guide a prepared time and space where the child can listen, wonder, discover and respond into this living relationship with God.
In nurturing this relationship of God and the child, Scripture is read aloud to children and then presented using beautiful, handmade materials. These materials invite the child to personally explore the scripture with their whole selves and at their own pace. Woven into the curricula are presentations and work with the liturgical life of the church, centrally Eucharist and Baptism. All of this is held within the rhythm of the church year (Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost and Ordinary Time), marked and celebrated by the children.
This ministry is upheld by over sixty five leaders who teach and assist on Sundays, offer hospitality to families and who create the materials for the curricula. Scroll down for images of some of the materials made over the last year.

As the ministry develops, there are opportunities to create more of these rich materials. For more information contact Natalie Lundy (