Pentecost and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit: At-Home Meditation


The day of Pentecost is another miraculous account of God’s presence with his people. Already the presence of God was walking among the people of Israel in the Risen Jesus! For 40 days, the disciples had encounters, meals and discussion with the Risen Christ! Now they could see and believe that all was true: Jesus had died and Jesus had risen!

Before Jesus returned to the Father in heaven (the Ascension), Jesus directed his disciples to go to Jerusalem and wait for God the Father to send the Advocate, the Holy Spirit. Ten days later, the Holy Spirit came in a powerful and undeniable way to strengthen and comfort his disciples. On top of this, the Holy Spirit filled them with the same spiritual gifts of Jesus: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude (might or strength), Knowledge, Fear of the Lord (awe) and Piety (delight in the fear of the Lord). It’s true! The prophet Isaiah lists these gifts (Isaiah 11:2-3a). Now the disciples were empowered to speak the Good News of Jesus and the Kingdom of God to all peoples and nations in any language!

At Home Reading and Meditations

  1. As a family, read the account of Pentecost in Acts 2:1-11. Meditate and marvel over the details of the event. What did you hear? Are fire and wind familiar signs of the Holy Spirit? (Creation, burning bush, pillar of fire in the exodus…) I wonder how the disciples felt before the Holy Spirit arrived… and after? How did things change?

  2. Next read Isaiah 11:2-3a to discover the spiritual gifts that Jesus himself had and that the Holy Spirit brought to the disciples that day. What does each gift mean? What’s an example of this gift in our lives? Are these gifts of the Holy Spirit available to us today?

Extension Work

Print the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit as a guide to define and understand each gift.

Then print the image of the 7 Pentecost Candles and write the 7 Holy Spirit gifts in each candle. One gift per candle. Colour the flame of the gift you would like the Holy Spirit to enliven in you!