Lenten Practice: Alms-giving
Alms-giving basically means the sacrificial service of others through giving of ourselves and our resources. It is something that, as followers of Jesus, we are meant to grow into doing more and more throughout our lives. We are to become generous people!
Lent gives us a short period in which to ‘up our game’ and practice alms-giving in a more intentional manner. God, in His grace, will teach us good things in these times of deeper practices.
So, how do we do that with our children? Here are a few simple ideas to try out:
Talk about the resources God has given your family (your home? practical skills? financial means? time?) and brainstorm ideas for how you can give sacrificially for the good of others. Maybe you can practice simple hospitality and invite a new family over for a meal? Maybe you can bake something for a neighbor? Maybe you can each set a goal to save a modest amount of money to give away as a family?
Think of ways that your family can give of your financial resources to those in need.
Take the time to express the sacrifice of love: tell each person at the dinner table something specific that you love about them.
Write and mail a note of encouragement to someone who is lonely, sick or having a difficult time.
Do someone else’s chore for them today.
Fill in the blank: Is there something you do every day for yourself that you can consider doing as a way to serve someone else?
Jenn Giles Kemper, Lent circle image copyright: 2020 Sacred Ordinary Days (https://sacredordinarydays.com/)