Lenten Practice: Prayer

A traditional practice during the season of Lent is to choose a new or more regular practice of prayer just for this season as a way to give ourselves to God and come to know God and his ways in the world more deeply. Here are some simple ideas for families to use to try out a new prayer practice - just for these weeks! - and see what happens.

Jenn Giles Kemper, copyright for Lent circle image: 2020 Sacred Ordinary Days (https://sacredordinarydays.com/)

Jenn Giles Kemper, copyright for Lent circle image: 2020 Sacred Ordinary Days (https://sacredordinarydays.com/)

  1. Plan and perform a family prayer service this week, perhaps using the following outline:

    • An introductory formula, such as “The Lord be with you.” Response: “And also with you.”

    • A reading from the Bible and a period of reflection

    • Psalms

    • Silent Prayer

    • Prayer of the faithful

    • “Our Father”

  2. Pray in song. When you leave the house sing Aaron’s Blessing to each other.

  3. Silence and stillness are essential to prayer. God speaks to us in the silence. Try the Silence Game after a meal or before bed. Click on the Silence Game button below to find out how to begin (includes a demo video).

  4. Pray for others: Think of a person who is struggling right now and need God’s help. Go outside and find a small smooth rock. Now write the name of that person on the rock. Hold the rock and pray for them. Keep the rock in your pocket or by your bedside so you are reminded to pray for them often.

  5. Make prayer a daily habit: Create a daily prayer for chores, like making the beds. Lord, bless the person who will sleep in this bed. Let it be a place of comfort and rest for the body and a place to restore the soul. I ask this in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Additional resources on prayer can be found at The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd website: cgsusa.org. Specifically, check out the CGS Parent Pages.